My previous Article on:
Lottery Winner of USD 35 Million
We understand that Astrological influences could lead us to a miserable life but it also could make us fortunate out of sudden as well. The following chart clearly explains how the heavenly bodies made someone to be a millionaire overnight.
This is the chart of medical secretary who also need to work part-time night jobs with the mission of sending her two teenage children to college. However, on the eventful night of Oct 26, 1996, the Big Game Lottery quick pick tickets she bought a week ago made her escape from her daily struggling life and turned her to be millionaire within overnight.
(Note: This chart has been posted as a blind Chart in SATVA list before)
Let’s See How the planetary combination and configuration work out for her.....through her Natal chart and Transit Chart.
Birth Data: 24/04/1950, 4:45 AM, Methuen, MA
Asc: Aries 6 degree 31 min.
Throughout my method of Analysis, I am just simply using following rule:
- 8th house, Mulatrikona lord of H8 and/or planet placed at 8th house are the significator of sudden unexpected gain.
- 9th house, Mulatrikona lord of H9 and/or planet placed at 9th house are the significator of easy gain.
- Rahu is the node which trigger the unexpected event (depending on other situation it effect might be positive or negative)
- The strength and impact of the functional benefic and functional malefic planets are based on the SA method, however, the quantitative measure are somewhat different. (You can learn SA method from the SA website and I am not going to elaborate here)
Natal Analysis (Planetary influence to planet and houses)
(1) For this native, there is no Mulatrikona lord for 8th house and no planet are residing at 8th house.
(2) Mulatrikona lord for 9th house, the significator of easy gain is the Jupiter, the planet of fortune. And the Jupiter placed at 11th house (the house of gain, prosperity, and income). Overall strength of Jupiter is quite strong as well. This is good placement for the Jupiter as the functional Benefic planet
(3) Again, the 9th house has been aspected by the Planet Mars by 77% (the Mulatrikona lord of Lagna (Ascendant) which is residing at 6th House. Mars and 6th house are both representing the accident. Now, here is the Good question come!!
(4) Will Mars be harmful for the native? Let’s analyze it!!! First, Mars is the mulatrikona lord of Ascendant, even though it is placed at the 6th house. Again, the lord of its placement (dispositor) is The Sun, (mulatrikona lord of H5, house of gambling). Again, Mars is at the Sagittarius sign at the Navamsa whose lord is the Jupiter, significator of Sudden Gain, planet of fortune. Moreover, the Nakshatra lord of Mars is also the Sun (mulatrikona lord of H5, house of gambling again) since it is located at Uttara Phalguni.
(5) Again, the 8th house, the house of sudden gain has been 76% aspected by the Rahu which always triggers the unexpected event. Will the Rahu, one of the functional malefic planet give her the good surprise or terrible outcome??? This is also a very interesting point. Rahu placing itself at the 12th house, house of expenditure, but not at the Most effective point. Ruler of its placement is the Jupiter, the planet of fortune, significator of sudden gain, again. And its Nakshatra lord is the Saturn which is placed at 5th house, house gambling and it is also the Mulatrikona lord of 11th house, house of gain. So, it is clearly showing us that this mysterious Rahu will give her a fortune.
(6) The most important fact is that, the Planet Jupiter, Mulatrikona lord for 9th house, the significator of easy gain has been strongly influencing the House 3, 5, 7, 11 by 98% strength.
(7) After analyzing the Natal chart of this native, and judging by the configuration of all the dominant planet., we can conclude that this native will possess the wealth by sudden unexpected gain.
Dasa Analysis
(1) The event was happened during the period of Ketu-Jupiter-Venus Dasa.
(2) The most important sub-period Lord is the Planet Jupiter, Mulatrikona lord for 9th house, the significator of easy gain, the planet of fortune which is residing at 11th house (the house of gain, prosperity, and income). Its strength is also quite strong.
(3) The Dasa analysis shows that this is the time the native is going to get paid-off from her past good karma.
Transit Analysis (Planetary influence to planet and houses) Triple Transit Triggering
In this Analysis, it will be very accurate to analyse in 3 ways as:
- Transit to Transit Analysis
- Transit to Natal Analysis
- Natal to Transit Analysis
Transit –Transit Analysis (Planetary influence to planet)
(1) The Transit Mercury, which is the Mulatrikona lord for 6th house, normally responsible for the accident is influencing on Lagna, The transit Sun and The Transit Moon.
(2) How would will interpret this situation. Will she involved in an accident?
(3) According to my extensive research on the lottery winners and accident victims, there are many similarities in their charts.
(4) Lottery winning is also a form of accident but on the bright side. However, her lagana (Ascendant) has been strongly supported by Transit Sun and Transit Moon on that duration. Again, there is no affliction on her Ascendant in her natal chart.
(5) Another finding is that, the Natal mercury, which is the Mulatrikona lord for 6th house is receiving the very strong support from Transit Sun, mulatrikona lord of 5th house, in other words, house of gambling, by 92% and Transit Moon, the mulatrikona lord of 4th House, i.e the house of happiness, by 99%. So, the possibility of accident tragedy has been rule out.
(6) Again, the Saturn, which is the Mulatrikona lord for 11th house, the house of gain has been 93% influence from Mars, mulatrikona lord of Ascendant, by 86 % from Venus , Mulatrikona lord of H7, and 83% influence from Rahu, the manipulator of unexpected event.
(7) Compiling all the fact, the Transit-Transit analysis also comes up with Accidental Income. Hence, the accident came to her but not with the tragedy facet.
Transit –Natal, Analysis (Planetary influence to planets & Houses)
(1) The Transit Mercury, which is the Mulatrikona lord for 6th house, normally responsible for the accident is influencing on the Natal Sun by 87%. However, Natal Sun has received the strength of 99% from Transit Sun, 94% from Transit Moon and 74% from the Transit Jupiter. So, the bad effects are cancelled off.
(2) The most important factor for lottery winning comes from the facts that the Mulatrikona lord of 9th house, the house of sudden gain has been 91% aspected by Transit Mars (Mulatrikona lord of Ascendant), and the 9th house has been aspected by Transit Saturn, the mulatrikona lord of 11th house, house of gain and prosperity
(3) Moreover, Transit Saturn, the mulatrikona lord of 11th house, house of wealth, has simultaneously influencing the House 2 (the house of income), the House 6 (the house of accident), the house 9 (the house of easy gain).
(4) Again, the Transit-to- Natal analysis is showing that the native is going to get accidental income that will make her wealthy.
Natal- Transit, Analysis (Planetary influence to planets)
(1) The Transit Sun, which is the Mulatrikona lord for 5th house, house of gambling, is almost exactly aspected by Natal Sun. Again, The Natal Jupiter, Mulatrikona lord for 9th house, the significator of easy gain and planet of fortune, is exactly aspecting the Transit Sun.
(2) Again, The Transit Mercury, which is the Mulatrikona lord for 6th house, normally responsible for the accident is under the combined influence of Natal Sun, (Mulatrikona lord for 5th house) by 87%, Natal Jupiter (Mulatrikona lord for 9th house, the significator of easy gain and planet of fortune) by 95%. So, It again make us clear that accidental sudden gain.
The native, who has been juggling the jobs for the sake of family, received the USD 35 million present from heaven for her past karma when the right time came by.
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