As everyone knows The U.S Election is around the corner and people are curious about who will become the Next President of United States.
- Is it going to be Mitt Romney?
- Or is it going to be his Second Term for President Obama?
- Was Obama born in the Honolulu, Hawaii as per his Birth Certificate?
- Or was he really born in Kenya as many people stated?
After studying the past events, if they are astrologically fit, the horoscope deems to be correct and predict the future based on this birth data.
In my article, you may encounter the term “Planetary Strength”, it is calculated using my MOTAA method which is somewhat similar to “Shadbala or Six fold strength of Planets” in the classical astrology texts.
There is another term called “Planetary Influence” which is for the measurement of intensity exerted to the other planets or Midpoint of the houses by the particular planet, using with Vedic Conjunction and Aspects.
Again, there is “Malefic Planet (MP)” and “Benefic Planet (BP)”. In MOTAA way of analysis, the planets are considered as their attribute, characteristic of the House which they Rule as the Moola- Trigona Lord.
So, the Lord of 6th House (H6), 8th house (H8), 12th house (H12) are treated as Malefic Planets (MP), receiving their influence is regarded as affliction.
The rest of the planets which are NOT the lord of Malefic Houses, they are considered Benefic Planets (BP).
However, I am not here to explain step-by-step calculation of the “MOTAA Planetary Strength” which needs intensive efforts and lengthy calculation.
For the Planetary Influence, please see the below graph.
The concept of MOTAA is explained in Myanmar in the link
When the particular Planet’s conjunction/ aspect points is closer to other planet’s position or the Midpoint of the houses, the intensity (the Planetary Influence) over the other planets or houses becomes stronger. At the 0 degree of angular separation, there will be 100% intensity (influence).
Now, let’s study the President Obama’s birth Charts and see what are the influences during his 2008 U.S Election.
The Natal Analysis for President Obama
The President Obama was born as the Capricorn Ascendant with Taurus Moon as in the Vedic Horoscope.
The Sun, The Lord of House 8 placed at the Friendly Sign Cancer (7th House) while it is at the Sagittarius Navamsa ruled by Jupiter, Ashlesha Nakshatra ruled by Mercury. Possessing 130% Planetary Strength and there is no affliction of Malefic planets.
The Moon, the Lord of 7th House, is at the Sign of Exaltation, Taurus (even though it is enemy sign) (5th House). While at the Navamsa of Aries ruled by Mars, as well as the Rohini Nakshatra which is ruled by the Moon. Still it has 96% Strength however under the (-87%) influence of the Malefic Jupiter (the Lord of H12).
Mars, which is The Lord of 4th House, located at Leo (8th House), at the Sagittarius Navamsa ruled by Jupiter and at the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra ruled by The Sun. The Mars possesses 109% in strength and there is no affliction of malefic planets
Mercury, as the Lord of 9th House for Capricorn Ascendant, find its place at friendly sign Cancer (6th House), at the Virgo Navamsa ruled by itself and Pushya Nakshatra ruled by Saturn. Without the Benefic influence, however, afflicted -95% by Malefic Jupiter (the Lord of H12).
The Lord of 2nd House, Jupiter is at the debilitated Sign Capricorn (12th House), at its own Pisces Navamsa and Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra ruled by the Sun, and there is NO affliction.
Venus, Lord of 10th House is at the friendly sign Gemini (5th House), Sagittarius Navamsa ruled by Jupiter and at the Ardra Nakshatra ruled by Rahu. It is considered weak for its 13% Natal Planetary Strength with afflicted -66% by Malefic Planet Ketu. No beneficial influence is also present.
Saturn, The Lord of 12th house, at its own sign Capricorn (12th House), at the Same Vargotamma Navamsa Capricorn, and at Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra ruled by the Sun. Owning 80% strength and NO affliction from any malefic planets.
The Transit Planet Analysis for President Obama (2008 Election)
During the Presidential Election in 2008, Obama is running at Jupiter-Moon-Mercury Dasa.
This contribute the fact he had to struggle a lot.
From the Planetary Aspect, Natal interplanetary influence,
The Jupiter (the lord of 12th house) influencing the Moon, and the Mercury (the lord of 9th house) with (-87.5) % and (-95.4) % respectively.
Mercury, the lord of 9th House supporting its benefic influence to the Jupiter (the lord of 12 house) with (95.4) % influence.
The Venus receives the Ketu’s bad influence (-65.9) %
The Natal Planetary Influence to the Houses.
This is quite interesting part, since you can obviously see the Multiple Benefic influences and malefic influences over the Obama’s Houses.
Mars (The Lord of 4th House) influencing the Mid point of Second House (H2), The Mid point of Third House (H3) , The Mid point of Eight House (H8) and The Midpoint of Eleventh House (H11).
The house of desire (H2) and the house of Gain, receive the Good influence made his situation better.
The Transit Planets influences over the Natal Planets on 04/11/2008
At the time of previous election, the Transit Rahu, and Transit Ketu afflicting the Natal Sun (-99) % respectively. This makes him very tough fight as well. However, the Natal Mars receive the benefic power from the Transit Saturn (the Lord of H2) 67.8%.
At the same time, the Transit Moon, the Lord of seventh house (H7), showered its lights on the midpoint of H6 and H12 with (99.7) %.
However, there was the Presidential stress, but, it did not stop him from winning race.
Mitt Romney in Serious Accident
Survivors recall tragic car crash in France with Romney
BERNOS-BEAULAC, France — The mission car was packed that day.Let’s study the Planetary Configuration at the time this fatal accident.
The president of the Mormon mission to France, H. Duane Anderson, was eager to get out to visit congregations after a difficult May in which travel in France had been severely limited because a general strike had caused a gasoline shortage.
A dispute had developed in the small Mormon congregation in Pau, in southern France, and Anderson thought he should pay a call. So he took his wife and two missionaries along, and on the way they picked up a French Mormon couple in Bordeaux.
There were six people in a car that would comfortably seat five, but otherwise it was an ordinary drive that happened to turn tragic.
On the way back from Pau, the car was hit head-on and Anderson's wife, Leola, was killed.
Anderson's driver, a 21-year-old missionary named Mitt Romney, is now a leading candidate for the Republican nomination for president of the United States, with the June 16, 1968, accident one of his rare dark moments.
Romney, who was seriously injured in the crash and was momentarily feared dead, has long said there was nothing he could have done to avoid the tragedy.
The Planetary Influence on the Mitt Romney’s Bava (Houses) at the day of Accident.
Since Mitt Romney has the Ascendant of Taurus 7:54, this the mid point of his Houses, Planet located on that degree will have impact on his Houses.
On that day, the Mars is at the Gemini 3:16, and the Jupiter is at the Leo 6:41 as in Sidereal position.
The fact is the Mars normally accounted for the Accident, blood shed and violence, is also the Malefic Planet for Mr. Romney because of being the Lord of 12th house.
Again, the Jupiter, most traditional people considered it as the benefic planet, is the Lord of 8th house, which signify “Death”, and “Death Like experience”.
Here is what happen,
The Mars, Lord of H12 is now afflicting the H2, H5, H8 and H9 simultaneously with the impact of (-64.2) %.
Travelling, fatal accident, the bloodshed can be seen here.
The Jupiter, the Lord of 8th house, H4, H8, H10 and H12. With very strong influence of (-96.8) %
Serious Accident and Vehicle can be seen here.
Why did he Survive?
There is NO malefic planetary influence on his Life giving Planets, such as the Sun, the Moon and His Lagna (H1).
That made him survive in that ordeal.
It seems that the birth data of Mitt Romney deems to be correct.
President Obama in 2012 Election
There are good and bad situations mixed during the 2012 Election for Obama.
The Moon, the Mercury, and the Jupiter received the beneficial from benefic planets while there is some bad influence from malefic planets as well.
When we study his Houses (Bava) the Transit Jupiter, which is Lord of H12 for Obama, is simultaneously afflicting the H1, H5, H9 and H11. This makes his life tough again. He may not seem to be very well leading.
Mitt Romney in 2012 Election
In Mitt Romney’s Chart, all houses receive favorable influences from Benefic Planets.
However, the Sun and Moon and Jupiter are in serious affliction as well.
He may seem to be leading, but it is still hard to materialize the event of being president while the important planets are in serious affliction.
Again, the most important roles is played by his very own natal chart which is not as strong as Obama’s.
Who will become the Next President?
In Comparison, The Heaven is NOT favoring Obama during the days of Election in 2012 unlike in 2008.
He was the President of United States in 2008 when most of the Transit Planets for him are quite strong, but not for this time.
On the other hand, the Transit Planets for Mitt Romney are on his side, Obviously Strong.
If we are looking into ONLY this, there is a big fat Chance Mitt Romney to become The President.
The Dasa of Obama has changed after the July 2012, He is now in Saturn-Saturn-Saturn until 2013 Jan.
Saturn, as the Lord of H2, while providing him with what he want, even though, with the Natural Characteristic of slow and hardship, he will face many obstacles for sure.
However, using with MOTAA Accumulated Strength for the Dasa Lords, he will get what he is after, with the difficulty.
To confirm this view,
The Benefic Transit Planets are supporting the H2 which is the house of desire, and H11 known as the 'house of Good Fortune' or house of Gain.
To win the competition, the H6, needs good planetary supports and He got it!!!
So, The President Obama will maintain his presidency for Next Term in the Last Minute.
Numan (MOTAA)